About Holly

    A  Personal Message from Holly Navarrete
Hi there! I’m a 29 year old photographer, wife, daughter, granddaughter, sister, aunt, cousin, friend & animal lover… in no particular order (I love all of these roles =). I adore kids, my husband & I don’t have any yet but they're definitely in our future. I love my family & friends they are everything to me, my inspiration, my rock, my critic & my biggest fan! My hubby is amazing, he helps so much, and I couldn’t do this with out him. My Dad is my Hero & my Mom is seriously the nicest person I’ve ever known! After all aren't family and friends what makes makes everything worth it in the end.

                                               Some Fun Tidbits About Me
o   I’m as indecisive & easy going as they come but… I also know what I want & will work hard to get it done

o   I like to think of myself more as balanced…. I’m a Libra our mantra is “I Balance”… aka I weigh out situations but... also sometimes just do things impulsively

o   I adore things FUN FRESH & MODERN but also vintage, classic, whimsical & rustic

o   I'm feminine & girlie but also simplistic & a tomboy (I won’t hesitate a mila second to get down on the   ground & get dirty to get perfect angle for any shot)

o   I absolutely love nature & animals but also positively love the city & shopping

o   I am usual a homebody but also enjoy a night out on the town

Did I mention I have a diverse range of likes... & I'm a tad indecisive LOL ;)

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